How To Use Worm Tea For Plant Growth And Health

So you heard about worm tea and need to get clear what it is, whether it’s one of those big garden myths or wonders. Why you should or shouldn’t bother making any and how.  Composting with worms has been gaining attention for a number of reasons. The more we learn about our damaged environment the […]

How to Breed Worms Fast for Composting and Fishing

Ever wished to multiply the amount of your compost worms within a few weeks?  I had bought my first batch of red wigglers and quickly realised that they seemed so few compared to how many you want to employ in your compost.  My first wormery bin was doing quite nicely and I started to wonder […]

How to Start Composting Indoors with Worms (or Without) – I Mean, Really?

What would happen if you started composting kitchen waste indoors, in your own home, with worms? Composting is seeing a great come back as more and more people want to contribute to a more sustainable life.  It’s a natural process which has been occurring since the beginning of life. Sounds grand and philosophical but it’s […]

How does a Wormery Work at Home. I Didn’t Think it was that Easy.

Imagine you could turn your vegetable peels and scraps which you collect in a container on your kitchen countertop into a living soil conditioner plants thrive in rather than having it transported into landfill where it decomposes and creates methane – a gas worse than carbon dioxide for global warming. And you wouldn’t need a […]